In 2016, Thomas Weder and his wife Sarah embarked on their first journey to the African continent, choosing Uganda as their initial destination. This remarkable country, teeming with diverse wildlife, was the beginning of Thomas's enduring passion for Africa and its vibrant animal kingdom. Among all the creatures he has photographed, the big cats and majestic elephants have captivated him most profoundly, sparking an annual pilgrimage to immerse himself in this enchanting world and capture its beauty in the finest light.
Beyond Africa, Thomas is equally drawn to the contrasting landscapes of the Arctic and Antarctic polar regions. Though starkly different from the warmth and variety of African wildlife, these remote regions present their own allure. Despite the challenges posed by extreme weather and freezing temperatures, Thomas finds the conditions ideal for capturing striking, evocative photographs. His dedication to traveling, photographing, and observing wildlife up close has become more than a profession; it is a calling that invigorates him, fills him with gratitude, and fosters a deep connection to the natural world.
Thomas invites you to explore his collection, where each image reflects his commitment to capturing the essence of his journeys. He hopes that, through his lens, you will find joy and inspiration in the beauty of nature.
ShopBronze - Epson International Pano Awards 2024
Amateur Nature Landscape category